Thursday, June 19, 2014

REVIEW: The Fault in Our Stars

John Green's provocative teen novel captivated thousands when it was released just one year ago, so it's no surprise that Hollywood did what Hollywood does best: turn literary phenoms into multi-billion dollar franchises. Unlike The Hunger Games or Divergent however, this film is not an action-packed dystopian story, but a simple one.

The film is narrated by sixteen-year old cancer patient Hazel (Shailene Woodley) who meets and befriends Gus (Ansel Elgort)--also a cancer patient in a support group. Eventually their friendship evolves into something much deeper and they take us on the intimate journey of their budding romance and tragic heartbreaks. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical of this film at first. I was wary that it would turn out to be a Nicolas Sparks-type drag of a film, boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy and girl have sex, someone gets cancer and dies. The end. I have to say, I have never been happier to say I was proven wrong! The film was not just a straight, boring, predictable love story, but a real story of two kids who were given a raw deal in life and have to find out how to live with it. One word to describe The Fault in Our Stars is FRESH. One reason (there are many) but one, is the superb casting. Many times in Hollywood romances, the two lovers usually look extremely perfect and beautiful; the guy is a strapping Channing Tatum and the girl is a curvy Olivia Wilde. With Stars, however, Woodley and Elgort are not these god-like beings of beauty. Woodley is perfectly lovely, of course! And Elgort is absolutely adorable--I'm not saying they were unattractive, but they were normal. They looked like regular teens. No washboard abs, no voluptuous breasts, just a pair of normal kids dealing with very abnormal circumstances.

Hazel and Gus are not shallow or conceited (as--let's admit it, most teen tend to be), but are philosophical, aware of the world and it's struggles, and witty. Wish more teenagers were like that. The Fault in Our Stars is a fresh, perfect blend of romance, humor, and emotion. In my opinion, it's the best love story since Titanic. At least, it's the best one I've seen in a very long time. Beautifully acted, with thoughtful narration and philosophy, The Fault in Our Stars most certainly is one to watch and is awarded a KAY! So, if you haven't seen it, get to the theater to watch it, and if you already have, get to the theater to watch it again! ...Okay?


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