Friday, July 11, 2014

Top Three Patriotic Films

I know I missed The Fourth of July weekend, but I figure I should put up my top three AMERICA IS AWESOME type films anyway. Let's just pretend that it is the Fourth of July again.

1. Lincoln

Steven Spielberg's epic film about President Lincoln fighting Congress to pass the Emancipation
Proclamation is both arresting and inspiring. Not to mention Daniel Day-Lewis' performance is second-to-none-amazing-unparalleled- and-freakin'-awesome. Other stand out performances include Tommy Lee Jones as the abolitionist trying to end slavery for good, as well as David Strathairn and of course, Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln. Although we know how the film ends (anyone who passed the fifth grade knows the Emancipation Proclamation passed, or should, anyway.) the movie makes us feel like we are in the middle of a power play that we don't know who will win. (Even though we do...)

2. 1776

Like Lincoln, the plot of 1776 revolves around a debate in congress, but this time it's a MUSICAL! though
 those two things sound incompatible, the film is a lively retelling of the struggle in the Continental Congress on the question of American Independence. Although the film received mixed reviews upon its release, the film features really captivating and spirited performances, particularly by William Daniels as John Adams, Howard Da Silva as Benjamin Franklin, and Ken Howard as Thomas Jefferson. Actually, the whole film relies on the entire ensemble cast, and none disappoint. The movie takes many artistic liberties (I highly doubt the delegates in the first Congress sang that much), but overall, it really puts into perspective how close America came to not being independent of England at all.


Another Civil War film, I know, but I couldn't leave it out! This movie stars some of my favorite people:
Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, and Cary Elwes!! The movie is really provocative in its portrayal of the injustice given to the first African-American regiment in history--injustice thrust upon them by the Union Army. The army that was supposed to be liberating them. The movie also shows an unflinching view of war, and how there aren't really "good guys" and "bad guys." just...guys. One of my favorite performances is that of Denzel Washington. He plays a man so angry at the world, he doesn't know who to fight, he just does. The scene where he is whipped for "deserting" is so disturbing, I can't help but wince every time. The film has a tragic end, but it doesn't hesitate to show that the soldiers made a big difference on the outcome of the war.

SO! what films did I leave out? feel free to comment and tell me your favorite "AMERICA IS AWESOME" movies!!

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